
An Abridged Case Finance Controller – Distribution Business- West Africa

Finance Controller – Distribution Business- West Africa.

An Abridged Case History from MAGNA’s Portfolio of Successful Mandates by RMagnet , Contingent Recruitment Division of Magna Global HR. RMAGNET is a Division for Mid/Senior lateral hiring and offers value add like a Retained Search. Low dropout and high resume to selection ratios are the hallmarks of this service.

We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” (Lists & ranks the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA) This is MAGNA’s way to express its gratitude to both its clients and individuals placed.

Magna Global HR Services Pvt Ltd certifies that it is the true abridged version of MAGNA’s Successful Mandate closed in August 2014 by Ketan Mhatre (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ketan-mhatre-3173615/) Consultant of RMagnet- MAGNA‘s Division for Mid/Senior lateral hiring. Identities are not disclosed to comply with our own Ethics & to honor Non-Disclosure commitments given to the individual & to our Client.
It is a Five Decade Old Conglomerate having operations spread across Africa, Asia & parts of Europe with Manufacturing and Sales & distribution of its products across India, Far East, West , East & South Africa.

The Mandate
Finance Controller
To induct an experienced finance professional who will oversee finance , accounts , Supply Chain for the distribution business of durable in the country.

Search Criteria
To Search for an experienced finance professional with experience in large multi branched multi product multi location distribution business.

Search Result  
Searched, Enticed, Evaluated, Recommended & Eventually placed an experienced professional with 13 years industry experience and having 10 years’ experience in other parts of Africa.

Challenges and/or Constraints
It was a greenfield project and finding the person with similar experience to handle entire operations was a challenge as not all plants were fully automated and/or had only Production Head (reporting to CEO/Promoters) with no experience in handling operations beyond production.

Mandate Successfully Closed on
August 2014

Roll of Gratification
We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to  deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” (  List & ranking of the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA).

By |May 10th, 2021|Blog, Uncategorized|Comments Off on An Abridged Case Finance Controller – Distribution Business- West Africa|

An Abridged Case History Executive Director -Investment

9104800312  ASHUDEEP GARG  gfg INDIA - Made with PosterMyWallExecutive Director -Investment   – Leadership Role in M&A – Mumbai/ Dubai  – USD 20 BN UK head Quartered Metal & Mining Major on Fast Growth Track and on acquisition Spree in India  – India Search

An Abridged Case History from MAGNA’s Portfolio of Successful Mandates( 8992 ) was successfully Closed in January 2019 by N.Marwah (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nmarwah/) Chief Consultant of Tough Search- MAGNA‘s Retained Executive Search Practice.

Searched, enticed, evaluated, recommended & eventually placed   A seasoned Investment Banking Professional (CANDIDATE RECORD SR nO. 800312) , Engineer + IIM B , with 20 plus years of hard core investment Banking experience , working as Executive Director & Head of Investment Banking  with a reputed Bank from Netherland and drawing a package of USD 220K per annum

We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” that Lists & ranks the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA

USD 20 BN UK head Quartered Metal & Mining Major on Fast growth Track global operations & plants UK , Europe, Australia & North America on Acquisition Spree worldwide 52 Acquisitions in 49 months with investment of USD 15Bn .Establishing  its formal Group Corporate Management structure in UK & UAE.with an aggressive acquisition intent in India.

The Mandate
Executive Director – Investment India
To lead M&A for commodity segment in India and also to provide business supoort to group’s UK arm if investment bank for deals in Asia Pacific

Search Criteria
To search for an Investment Banker with a track record in diversified sector and more specifically working with an European entity and with experience of managing large USD 100 mn plus deal sixe.

Search Result  
Searched, enticed, evaluated, recommended & eventually placed   A seasoned Investment Banking Professional (CANDIDATE RECORD SR NO. 800312) , Engineer + IIM B , with 20 plus years of hard core investment Banking experience , working as Executive Director & Head of Investment Banking  with a reputed Bank from Netherlands and drawing a package of USD 220K per annul

Mandate Successfully Closed on
November  2018

Roll of Gratification
We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to  deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” (  List & ranking of the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA).

Magna Search Practice
Tough Search -The Retained   Board and C level Search Practice  of MAGNA Global HR Services Pvt Ltd

MAGNA Consultant
N. Marwah – Managing Director & Chief Consultant with over 25 years experience in Consulting and Searching Board level & C Level Professionals for a   diversified portfolio of Coprorates spread across 3 continents in the world .

By |March 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on An Abridged Case History Executive Director -Investment|

Freelancer Registration Form

By |March 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Freelancer Registration Form|

The Dos and Don’ts of hiring talent from your competitors

While the job market is stronger than it has been in years, the search for qualified talent is growing more and more challenging. Employers want to hire candidates that have theright experience, are familiar with their industry, and are a culture-fit. So for many managers, the only seemingly feasible way to find this perfect candidate is to hire them from competitors. While hiring from one’s competitors may seem like a simple recruiting solution, there are certain aspects, like non-compete agreements, that need to be considered beforehand. To help you determine whether hiring talent from your competitor is the right move for your company, consider these dos and don’ts:


People who are doing well in a role and are happy with their company are not going to risk leaving and becoming dissatisfied with their new position. This means that you are going to have to provide an incentive if you want a competitor’s employee to come work for you. The easiest incentive you can provide is a salary increase. It shows the candidate that you are truly interested and believe they are worth the investment. However, if increased compensation is not in your budget, there are other ways to incentivize a career move. For example, you can offer equity in your company like many early stage technology companies have done when cash was tight and prospects were huge.


Non-compete agreements are issued, amongst other reasons, to prevent employees from competing against their original employer in the event they leave. In other words, many non-competes are meant to prevent, or at least discourage, you from hiring your competitor’s talent. While some companies choose to disregard these agreements, it is imperative you have an attorney look over a candidate’s non-compete prior to issuing an offer letter. The repercussions vary based on how strict a company enforces their non-compete agreements, but in some cases lawsuits will be taken against both the employee and the new employer. So before even thinking about offering a candidate a job, make sure they 1.) don’t have a non-compete agreement and 2.) if they do, consult with an attorney before you find yourself in hot water.


Hiring a successful candidate from a competitor does not mean they will immediately be successful with your company. Just like any other new employee, they will need time to ramp up and to go through training in order to thrive. Like most training programs, they should gain a complete understanding of the company, what differentiates the company from their previous employer, the systems and tools needed to go about daily operations, and the company culture as a whole. By providing them the same training as any other new employee, you’re setting them up for success. Before deciding to hire talent from a competitor, it is important to sit down and evaluate whether it is the right choice for your company. While the benefits of hiring successful employees from your competitors can be immense, the risks are just as great.